Charter Schools · vouchers

The true cost of vouchers

I recently read this editorial from a New Hampshire newspaper about the cost of vouchers in Florida and Arizona, as NH considers expanding a voucher bill. The editorial, serves as a warning to NH. The authors have written a similar article published in Nashville, TN.

Opinion: The devastating impact vouchers have had on Arizona, Florida local public schools

Damaris Allen is the executive director of Families for Strong Public Schools, a Florida public school graduate, and a parent of public school children. Beth Lewis is the executive director of Save Our Schools Arizona, an Arizona educator, and a parent of public school children.

According to Josh Cowen, Professor of Education Policy – College of Education, Michigan State University, “The last decade of achievement studies have shown negative voucher impacts, with more mix ed or inconclusive results on attainment” ( Additionally, “data from traditional voucher programs has indicated that the larger the program, the worse the results tend to be” (

Imagine someone came to you and said, if you give us a lot of money, we will make education better for poor black and brown kids by stealing from their public school counterparts, hiring non-licensed teachers, and provide an academic program that has no accountability like traditional public schools. Plus there is very limited research on the success of these schools, but we’re stealing from the poor kids and sticking it to the teachers’ unions – Who’s in???

These are my reflections for today.

April 12, 2024

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